CRESUM-HYRES and ACERA training workshop - 4th September 2020
In September last year, the CRESUM-HYRES and the ACERA Royal Society Capacity Building projects collaborated to run a series of free, virtual training workshops to share research by the project and its partners.
The workshops ran on the 4th, 10th and 17th September.
Creating resilient sustainable micro-grids - 4th September 2020
Globally, one in five people still lack access to modern electricity, and 3 billion people rely on traditional fuels for heating and cooking. In line with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 7, the UKRI-funded GCRF project CRESUM-HYRES and the Royal Society-funded ACERA project organised a virtual workshop to showcase some of the work done by the project, our partners, and prominent researchers in the area to increase access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
Furthermore, this virtual workshop provided the opportunity for companies, stakeholders, engineers, technicians, scientists, researchers, and scholars to disseminate information on recent advancements and achievements in operation, control, and planning of microgrids. The virtual training workshop included three sessions focused on:
1. Towards Resilience, flexibility, and Sustainability in Remote Microgrids
2. Planning of Sustainable Microgrids
3. Operation of Sustainable Microgrids
Also, the first session was concluded by a panel discussion involving three keynote speakers with strong experience of leading research projects on modern microgrids across the world.
Introduction by Jon Lovett, Chair in Global Challenges, University of Leeds
2nd Keynote Speaker - Pierluigi Mancarella, University of Melbourne
3rd Keynote Speaker - David Laverty, Queens University, Belfast
Shahab Dehghan, University of Leeds
Elisabeth Rianawati, RDI, Indonesia
Nina Rangel Ortiz, University of Leeds
Mary Suzan Abbo, CREEC, Uganda
Consalva Msigwa, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Agnes Nakiganda, University of Leeds