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Impact and Outreach

ACERA Presentation

This video has been realised by the ACERA Team to showcase the impact of their project on local communities.

CoP26 and Climate Justice

During CoP26 in Glasgow, our team discussed “Climate Justice and Universal Energy Access: Insights from Africa”.

Click on the title below to watch the video produced by the CREEC Team:

Climate justice and energy access : Insights from Uganda

Language and Energy

The presentation summarises the actions that have been developed to advance implementation and consolidation of a decentralised, local and sustainable model for the generation and use of electrical energy in the mountains of the Sierra Norte in the state of Puebla, Mexico.

The event took place on 21st April 2021. Watch the presentation here:

Language and Energy with examples from Sierra Norte de Puebla, Mexico

Kampala TV Series

Television drama created by the Ugandan Broadcasting Corporation. The series follows the experiences and encounters of a young man who has travelled from rural Uganda to the city of Kampala, which gives the series its name.  

This is a TV drama series resulting from the collaboration between the award-winning film director Steve Ayeny of Atonga Media and the Centre for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation (CREEC) based at Makerere University. The goal of the TV series is to combine action packed entertainment with creating awareness about clean energy technologies.

Click here for the complete synopsis.

Watch the trailer:

Visit the Facebook page of the Kampala TV Series for the latest updates!

Beautiful Ashes Feature Film

Feature film on the theme of renewable energy created by Atonga Media in conjunction with the Centre for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation, Uganda.

Beautiful Ashes takes us through the life of a stay home wife, Goretti. Three months into the aftermath of quarantine, Goretti and her husband Tom are trying to make ends meet after he loses his job due to the Covid break out. Goretti goes out of her way to change the family situation and in her pursuit she discovers an alternative clean energy source: briquettes, out of dust. This discovery brings a change to her household and then to her entire community.

The goal of CREEC’s collaboration with Steve Ayeny, founder of Atonga Media and award-winning filmmaker, is to ensure widespread dissemination of renewable energy content, effectively reaching and engaging audiences across Uganda.

EPSRC Final Report (CREEC)

The CRESUM-HYRES project is coming to an end. Here is the final report produced by our partners at CREEC, which showcase the impact and outreach activities conducted by CREEC in Africa.

Read the full report here.

Podcast, Series 5 - "Connecting Citizens to Climate Change Action"

Episode 1 - Connecting citizens to science

Affordable and clean energy for improved health and climate action: considering sustainable development goals

To listen to the episode, click here

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 states that we need to “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”. The consideration of energy is a central focus for climate change experts as it is responsible for “nearly three-quarters of global emissions”, with energy consumption being one of the biggest sources of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions.  SDG7 calls for “affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all” by 2030. Its core target includes: Ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services. In this week's episode we will be focused on learning about renewable energy and the links between sustainable development goals such as health and poverty alleviation. We will hear from guests how they are working with people and communities to adapt to cleaner energy whilst considering the impacts on other SDG goals. Flavia Ajambo from CREEC and Professor Jon Lovett from Leeds University share:

  • How the entertainment industry helps disseminate information around renewable energy in an interesting manner
  • The design of microgrids that supply multiple renewable energy sources to orphanages in Uganda.
  • How new energy technologies and innovations developed in a lab are transferred to communities in a sustainable way
  • The importance of capacity strengthening and knowledge dissemination such as policy briefs, massive online open courses, and movies!